A weewiki page about weewiki
Weewiki is a tiny scriptable wiki engine designed to build
personal mind maps
. It is used to power this personal wiki.
The core engine is written in C via the Worgle literate programming environment.
Wiki pages are primarly stored inside of a SQLite database, and are written using org
(presumably via org-mode
and emacs). The org parsing is
done via a custom parser, written in C.
On top of the core engine is a scripting environment.
For this, the Janet language is
used. Janet
code can be run inside of a wiki page, and
can be used to dynamically generate org content, which
is then turned into HTML by the parser. This can be
used to do things like create dynamic reference links,
such as this one!
WeeWiki On SourceHut
WeeWiki source coded is maintained using Fossil, but has been exported to a read-only git repository for convenience.
The repository in question can be found at sourcehut
Creating a page
This can be done weewiki add foo
, where foo
is the name
of your page.
Editing a page
To edit a page, run weewiki edit foo
. This will create a
page called foo and open it up inside of the text editor set
Deleting a page
Should be wiki del foo
, where foo
is the name of the
Linking Pages
Oftentimes it is easier to have a wiki page be externally tracked, rather than tracked internally inside of a sqlite database.
An existing internal file can be linked to external file
using the command weewiki link foo foo.org
where foo
is the name of the page, and foo.org
is the name of
the file to be created. If an external file has already been
created and edited, use the -f flag to force things like
so: weewiki link -f foo foo.org
Once a file is linked, a page can be edited via the external
file, rather than calling weewiki edit
. Calling
weewiki sync
will update the wiki page.
Syncing Pages
Page syncing is a way to edit and manage pages externally.
An (existing) page can be linked with
weewiki link foo foo.org
Now, the page can be externally edited and tracked.
Any new changes in the pages of the wiki can be synchronized with:
weewiki sync
Synchronization works by comparing the modification time of the external file with the one stored in the link table, and will choose the newest to overwrite the entry in the database and the external file. Keep in mind that this is a simple overwrite with no fancy merging.
Dumping The Wiki
The entirety of a weewiki can be dumped to a janet script
using the command weewiki dump foo.janet
where foo.janet
is the name of the file to write to. Omitting this causes
the file to be written to stdout.
The generated janet script can be used to reconstruct the
wiki database. This can be done using the command
weewiki janet foo.janet
The exported dump file will not include content for linked files, only the file links. It is expected that external files be present.
Dump files are useful for reconstructing a wiki database on another computer. The script is text based, which makes it suitable for tracking via an SCM like git or fossil.
A sample config file
Here is the config file used by this weewiki page:
(def ww-dir "_site/wiki")
(def webroot "/wiki")
(defn ref (link name)
(string webroot "/" link)
(defn html-header
``<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">
<div id="main">
(defn html-footer
A sample makefile
Based off the one used for this wiki:
default: export
export: db
$(RM) -r _site/wiki
mkdir -p _site/wiki
weewiki sync
weewiki export
mv mkdb.janet mkdb.janet.old
weewiki dump mkdb.janet
cmp mkdb.janet mkdb.janet.old ||\
weewiki janet mkdb.janet
weewiki dump mkdb.janet
mkdir -p _live/wiki
cp -r _site/wiki/* _live/wiki
Running "make" will automatically export all the pages to
a folder called _site/wiki
. equivalent to "make export".
"make dump" will create a wiki dump, which can then be used
to reconstruct the database. The wiki dump is stored as a
janet file mkdb.janet
"make db" will regenerate the database.
database generation and dumping happens automatically when exporting/transfering files.
Setting/Getting values
A page value FOO can be retrieved directly using the command:
weewiki get FOO
A page value FOO can be set directly from the commandline using the command
weewiki set FOO "one two three"
Pages that start with '@' are ignored when the wiki is exported. They can be used as a sort of key/value storage.
weewiki set @VERSION 1.01
weewiki get # returns 1.01
WeeWiki Server
If enabled, a small http server can be spawned to dynamically generate wiki pages. This is NOT meant for production.
The command:
weewiki server
Will spawn a http server on port 8080 by default.
Pages can be retrieved under the /wiki
. The page
"foo" can be accessed via "http://localhost:8080/wiki/foo".
Relevant Wiki Pages
zetvar: Tutorial on zet variables.
zet: a zettelkasten interface included with weewiki
crate: an interface on top of zet, designed to manage sqlar files.
zetdo: a TODO app built using zet and shell scripting.
Other Notable Wikis
The monolith program uses two weewiki instances. One is the main wiki, and the other is the program wiki, which is automatically generated from portions written in worgle and worgmap.
The sndkit project manages literate programs inside of a weewiki.
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