dz / javascriptSummary
things related to the javascript programming language
Node Tree
- await
- bcrypt
- bind
- class_expression
- dom_event_delegation_stack_overflow
- error
- js_objects
- js_questions
- mdn_prototype_chain
- node-gyp
- regex
- rest_parameter
- spread_syntax
- static
- template_literals
- the_core
- this
- truthiness
js_questions | |
content | Front End Interview: JavaScript Questions |
children | simple_rules_to_this (found via), how_event_delegation_works (found via) |
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how_event_delegation_works | |
content | how event delegation works |
parents | js_questions |
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simple_rules_to_this | |
content | The Simple Rules to "this" in JavaScript |
parents | js_questions |
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dom_event_delegation_stack_overflow | |
content | Stack overflow: what is event delegation? |
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js_objects | |
content | JavaScript Objects: Inherited a Mess |
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the_core | |
content | JavaScript: The Core |
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mdn_prototype_chain | |
content | Inheritance and the Prototype change |
children | instanceof (checks prototype chain) |
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IIFE | |
content | Immediately Invoked Function Expression |
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flashcard (front) | What is an IIFE? |
flashcard (back) | An Immediately Invoked Function Expression, or IIFE, is a programming language idiom which produces a lexical scope using function scoping. Example =(function () { })();=. It was a popular way to do modular programming in JS before ES modules and CommonJS. |
this | |
content | this |
flashcard (front) | explain "this" in JavaScript |
flashcard (back) | 1. new keyword used: brand new object. 2. apply/call/bind: object passed in as argument. 3. obj.method(): object that function is property of 4. free function invocation: global object. window in the browser, undefined in strict mode. 5. multiple rules apply: higher rule wins. 6. arrow function in ES2015: ignore previous rules, use encapsulating scope. |
coercion | |
content | coercion: an automatic conversion of values from one data type to another. Ex: having 0 coerce itself to be false. |
children | python/boolean_value_coercion, type_coercion_mdn |
parents | truthiness |
flashcard (front) | What is coercion in javascript? |
flashcard (back) | An automatic conversion of values from one data type to another. (ex: 0 to false) |
truthiness | |
content | truthiness: When value is considered true when encountered in a boolean context. |
children | coercion (A value is said to be coerced to a boolean value) |
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type_coercion_mdn | |
content | MDN: type coercion |
parents | coercion |
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instanceof | |
content | instanceof: tests to see if the prototype property of a constructor appears anywhere in the prototype chain of an object. |
parents | mdn_prototype_chain |
flashcard (front) | what does instanceof do? |
flashcard (back) | instanceof is a javascript operator that checks to see if a prototype property exists anywhere in the prototype chain of an object |
rest_parameter | |
content | Rest Parameter: syntax that allows a function to accept an indefinite number of arguments as an array, providing a way to represent variadic functions in javascript. ex: =function sum(...theArgs)= |
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flashcard (front) | What are rest parameters? |
flashcard (back) | Rest parameter syntax in JS allows for variadic functions to be represented as an array. Ex: =function sum(..theArgs)=. |
template_literals | |
content | Template Literals: literals delimited with backticks (`). used for multi-line strings, string interpolation with embedded expressions, and special constructs called tagged templates. |
children | tagged_templates (template literals are used with tagged templates) |
parents | webdev/typescript/template_literal_types |
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flashcard (front) | What are template literals in javascript? |
flashcard (back) | Template literals are literals denoted with backtick ('`'), and allow for multi-line strings, string interpolation with embedded expressions, and special constructs called tagged templates. |
tagged_templates | |
content | tagged templates |
parents | template_literals |
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await | |
content | The await operator is used to wait for a Promise and get its fulfillment value. It can only be used inside an async function or at the top level of a module. |
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flashcard (front) | what does the 'await' keyword do? |
flashcard (back) | The await keyword is an operator that is used to wait for a promise and get its fulfillment value. It can only be used inside an async function or at the top level of a module. |
static | |
content | Static: defines a method or field for a class, or a static initialization block. They are accessed on the class itself, rather than an instance of the class. |
children | static_initialization_blocks |
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static_initialization_blocks | |
content | static initialization blocks: contains statements tobe evaluated during class initialization |
parents | static |
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class_expression | |
content | class expression |
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bind | |
content | bind: method of Function instances creates a new function that, when called, calls this function with its this keyword set to the provided value, and a given sequence of arguments preceding any provided when the new function is called. |
parents | webdev/nextjs/dashboard_app_pass_id_server_action |
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error | |
content | Error Object |
parents | webdev/nextjs/learn_dashboard_app/13_handling_errors |
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regex | |
content | Regex Reference |
children | regex/regexp, regex/lookahead_assertion |
parents | webdev/nextjs/matcher |
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bcrypt | |
content | bcrypt package |
children | bcrypt/source |
parents | cryptography/bcrypt, webdev/nextjs/learn_dashboard_app/15_adding_authentication |
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spread_syntax | |
content | spread syntax: (...) syntax allows an iterable, such as an array or string, to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments (for function calls) or elements (for array literals) are expected. |
parents | cryptography/bcrypt |
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flashcard (front) | What is spread syntax? |
flashcard (back) | Spread syntax (...) allows things like arrays to be expanded in functions where arguments are expected. |
node-gyp | |
content | node-gyp: native addon build tool |
parents | bcrypt/source |
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