3. Data

Stored in a struct called tdelay_d.

typedef struct tdelay_d tdelay_d;
struct tdelay_d {

A tdelay most notably has a bank of trigger loops.

tdelay_loop *bank;
int nloops;

The number of active loops is used to make lookup faster (return quickly if there are no free loops).

int nactive;

Also used to help speed up loop claiming faster, the last freed loop is used. A negative value means there is no last free loop quickly available, and a linear search must be in place instead.

int last_free;

Any loop that is put into FIRE mode must immediately be shut off in the next block, otherwise the loop node will tick every block until the next tick. A flag is used to keep track of this state.

int ticked_last_block;

Epsilon is the threshold for when to turn off the node.

double eps;
void tdelay_eps(tdelay_d *td, double eps);
void tdelay_eps(tdelay_d *td, double eps)
    td->eps = eps;

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