Monome Grid

Monome Grid

The grid is a grid controller made by monome. It is the grid controller.

The standard iteration is a 16x8 array of silicone buttons. Each button has an LED which can be independently turned on and off.

Unlike many grid controllers, the Grid is designed from the start to be programmable. By default, it doesn't do anything. One must seek out programs designed interface with the monome.

Many Grid programs are written in MaxMSP or supercollider. Using serialosc, one can write programs in any language able to use the OSC.

Alternatively, the grid can be controlled more directly using libmonome via a serial connection. See my grid_tutorial for how to control a grid using libmonome directly instead of OSC.

Before monome started making other products, the Grid was to as the Monome.

From a design perspecitve. The Grid can be thought of as a low-resolution monochrome touchscreen with extremely high accuracy.

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