Box It!

Box It!

boxit is a small script written in awk and shell that puts text centered in a little ascii box.

This is placed under the unlicense.


NROWS=58 # NROWS - 2

boxit() {
    read -r -d '' SCRIPT <<EOF
    printf "+"
    for (i = 0; i < NROWS; i++) {
        printf "-"
    printf "+\n"

    lsize = length(\$0)
    lspace = (NROWS - lsize) / 2
    rspace = lspace

    if (lsize % 2 != 0) rspace--;

    printf "|"

    for (i = 0; i < lspace; i++) {
        printf " "

    printf \$0

    for (i = 0; i < rspace; i++) {
        printf " "

    printf "|\n"

    printf "+"
    for (i = 0; i < NROWS; i++) {
        printf "-"
    printf "+\n"

awk "$SCRIPT"

fold -s -w $NROWS | boxit

Use it like so:

$ printf "do\nall\nthings\nwith\nartlessness" | ./boxit
|                            do                            |
|                            all                           |
|                          things                          |
|                           with                           |
|                        artlessness                       |

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