Leetcode 75

Leetcode 75

Link: https://leetcode.com/studyplan/leetcode-75/.

task id: LC75

2024-07-08 08:15: Leetcode task created. #LC75

2024-07-09 08:24: Did not get to this yesterday. #LC75

In the true yak-shaving tradition, I want to build a quick webscraper that takes all the links in the LC75 page and then prints them to PDF. From there, I can view them on my remarkable, so I can be a way from my computer and study them with pen and paper.

2024-07-12 08:56: I have still not started this. Sigh. #LC75

2024-07-14 10:30: Clearly, I really do not want to do this. #LC75

2024-07-22 08:57: How can I work on this stuff offline? #LC75

Leetcode provides validation of solutions, which is nice. But having a format that distills the problems into something offline for reference would be nice.

I think I might just manually transcribe the questions to markdown and put them in a repo.

2024-07-23 08:39: Clearly not getting around to this #LC75

I am putting it in "main" instead of priority.

Let me get these last few projects in a good place (demo-trio and dagzet-rust), and then I'll try to find time to start this?

I know, I know. I'm putting it off.

2024-08-14 09:24: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:01:27:06

1657, 2352, 2390, 735, 394

2024-08-14 15:33: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:01:01:32

933, 649

2024-08-15 09:17: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:01:25:07

2095, 328

2024-08-15 13:15: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:02:10:46

206, 2130

2024-08-13 09:26: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:00:27:55


2024-08-13 10:00: Read up on Prefix Sum. #LC75 #timelog:00:18:09

2024-08-13 12:14: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:01:58:57

1456, 1004.

2024-08-13 14:22: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:00:58:38

1493, 1732, 724, 2215.

2024-08-16 09:04: Logging things. #LC75

2024-08-16 15:10: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:30:13

104, 872, 1448 (partially, going to revisit soon)

2024-08-16 19:38: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:00:23:14

1448. I gave up and looked it up. I was in the right direction with the recursive answer. C++ classes in the solution made it much easier. count was essentially kept as a global. When I didn't have to think about keeping track of that varibale in a recursive function, the problem and code got a lot easier to reason with. Lesson learned.

2024-08-12 08:50: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:02:08:51

1768, 1071, 1431, 605, 345, 151, 238

2024-08-12 12:51: leetcode #LC75 #timelog:02:11:21

334, 443, 283, 392, 11, 1679

2024-08-18 10:22: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:00:23:33

437 (partial)

2024-08-18 12:00: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:00:40:37

437 (continued)

2024-08-18 15:20: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:17:53

Even more 437.

2024-08-19 09:47: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:01:21:30

1372, 236

2024-08-19 13:36: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:01:01:33


2024-08-19 16:06: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:00:37:16

1161, 700

2024-08-20 08:58: Check-in #LC75

At this point, I have attempted about half the problems of LC75. I think I've chewed through most of the easy problems that I could do quickly. What remains are the sorts of problems I'll need to do more research into. I'm ready to slow down with these and change gears a little bit.

2024-08-23 08:30: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:59:43


2024-08-23 13:27: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:49:02

399, 1926, 994

2024-08-22 09:19: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:10:45

547, 1466

2024-08-22 14:01: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:00:41:17


2024-08-21 08:59: Leetcode. #LC75 #timelog:01:58:20

450, 841

2024-08-30 09:27: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:52:19

359, transcribed skiena string compare to Python

2024-08-30 13:05: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:02:20:29

1137, 746

2024-08-30 16:23: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:00:54:56


2024-08-29 09:38: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:30:15

875, Reading about backtracking.

2024-08-29 12:35: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:08:15

2024-08-27 10:06: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:24:26

2542 (continued), 2462,

2024-08-27 16:06: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:00:26:35

2024-08-28 09:56: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:34:19

374, 2300

2024-08-28 13:20: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:11:00

2300, 162, 875

2024-08-28 19:47: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:14:35

2024-08-26 08:59: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:03:03

215, 2336, 2542

2024-08-26 12:58: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:28:42


2024-08-31 11:33: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:00:27:28

2024-08-31 13:28: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:41:14

2024-08-31 19:09: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:01:10:58

2024-09-01 11:00: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:00:51:59

2024-09-01 13:03: Leetcode #LC75 #timelog:00:38:23