
Spigot is a set of simple graphical interfaces for Sporth. It is available for download on github and CCRMA-hosted gitlab.

How Spigot Works

Spigot is called inside of Sporth in the following way:

 0 120 4 clock 1 "foo.rnt" _spigot fe
 # Do stuff here.

The spigot executable takes in 3 parameters in the following order, left to right:

The clock signal drives the various sequencers and programs in Spigot. When triggered, it causes Spigot to step.

The Spigot canvas is 193x193 pixels (or a 12x12 8x8 tileset plus 1pixel for borders). It uses a 24-bit RGB colorspace. The frame typically gets redrawn any time the clock signal triggers or a key input is pressed. There is a zoom factor which allows magnification.

Graphics in Spigot are spawned inside of Sporth, and they can close and open again when using Sporth as a live coding environment.

Spigot has a number of standard key combos so multiple interfaces can share the same key bindings:

For configuration files, Spigot uses Runt, a stack-based language. This tells Spigot what to load and how to load. Most importantly, Runt files are needed to select which interface you'd like to use, called a Spigot state.

Spigot States

In Spigot, a state is a particular predefined musical interface using a generaized internal C interface provided by Spigot. At the moment, there are only two interfaces made, but there is potential for growth.



The Spigot state tracker is a music-tracker that builds on previous work with trackers in Sporth.

A typical runt file for tracker could look like this:

 new_state tracker spigot_state
 # open file for read/write
 "ex/notes.rnt" tracker_open
 # set zoom level to 3
 2 spigot_zoom 
 # Create Sporth table for note data
 "notes" tracker_notes
 # Create Sporth table for gate data
 "gates" tracker_gates
 # Create variable that is a gate for start/stop
 "play" tracker_play

Here is a simple Sporth file that reads note data from channel 1 (leftmost):

 _clk var
 # Create Clock 
 4 metro dup _clk set 
 1 "ex/tracker.rnt" _spigot fe 
 # Give me a sine... 
 0 _notes tget mtof 0.3 sine 
 # Put it through a filterted gate signal
 0 _gates tget 0.01 port * 
 # multiply whole signal with play toggle
 _play get *



The Spigot state pbrain is a musical sequencer based on the pbrain language (a dialect of brainfuck). A "score" of BF code is parsed and drawn onto a grid. Every clock tick steps through the code, outputing the current symbol to a variable sporth. This variable can be used as a control signal for things like sequencers and values.

A simple runt file for pbrain could look like this:

 new_state "++[..-]" "output" pbrain spigot_state

And the corresponding Sporth file:

 _notes "60 60 62 64 67 69 71 72 74" gen_vals
 _val var
 _clk var
 _env var
 0.3 dmetro _clk set
 _clk get 1
 _spigot fe 
 _clk get _output get * 0.001 0.01 0.1 tenvx _env set
 _env get _output get 
 dup 0 ne samphold 
 _notes tget mtof 0.3 
 1 7 _env get 1 *  fm *

