82. et

Equal temperament node. Use this to compute equal temperament scales of arbitrary divisions. The output unit of this is in frequency units of Hertz (Cycles/Second).

note is a relative numerical note value, equivalent to a MIDI note number.

basefreq is the base frequency. In 12ET, this would be set to be 440.

bias is the note number bias to set. In 12ET, this would be 69, which would make it so that when note is 69, the frequency would be 440Hz.

div is how to divide up the octave. in 12ET, this would be 12.

base refers to the exponent base. For 12ET or any division of the octave, the base would be 2. For something like bohlen pierce, the base would be 3.

(define (et note basefreq bias div base)
  (param note)
  (param basefreq)
  (param bias)
  (param div)
  (param base)
  (rvl "et"))

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