7. Macfont Info

To reduce the amount of overhead required to print a glyph, variables are read and stored in a struct called macfont_info.

7.1. typedef

typedef struct {
} macfont_info;

7.2. init

The macfont_info struct is populated with macfont_info_init. It does this by reading the buffer where the font is located.

void macfont_info_init(macfont_info *info, uint8_t *font);
void macfont_info_init(macfont_info *info, uint8_t *font)

7.3. contents

7.3.1. Bitmaps

uint8_t *bitmaps;

7.3.2. Off

uint16_t off;
info->off = ROWWORDS(font) * RECTHEIGHT(font);
info->bitmaps = BITMAPS(font);

7.3.3. Loctable

uint16_t *loctable;
info->loctable =
    (uint16_t *) (info->bitmaps + (2 * info->off));

7.3.4. owtable

uint16_t *owtable;
info->owtable = info->loctable + (info->nchars + 2);

7.3.5. nchars

uint16_t nchars;
info->nchars = LASTCHAR(font) - FIRSTCHAR(font) + 1;
uint16_t stride;
info->stride = ROWWORDS(font) * 2;

7.3.6. rectheight

uint16_t rectheight;
info->rectheight = RECTHEIGHT(font);

7.3.7. kernmax

int16_t kernmax;
info->kernmax = KERNMAX(font);

7.3.8. firstchar

uint16_t firstchar;
info->firstchar = FIRSTCHAR(font);

7.3.9. font height

uint16_t fontheight;
info->fontheight = ASCENT(font) - DESCENT(font);

7.3.10. ascent + descent

uint16_t descent;
uint16_t ascent;
info->ascent = ASCENT(font);
info->descent = DESCENT(font);

7.4. helper functions

7.4.1. macinfo_fontheight

macinfo_fontheight returns the font height.

int macfont_info_fontheight(macfont_info *info);
int macfont_info_fontheight(macfont_info *info)
    return info->fontheight;

In janet, this is macfont-height.

7.4.2. macinfo_rectheight

macinfo_rectheight returns the font height.

int macfont_info_rectheight(macfont_info *info);
int macfont_info_rectheight(macfont_info *info)
    return info->rectheight;

In janet, this is macfont-height.

7.4.3. macinfo_descent

think it could be needed to dynamically draw symbols in a text string.

int macfont_info_descent(macfont_info *info);
int macfont_info_descent(macfont_info *info)
    return info->descent;

In janet, this is macfont-height.

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