5. sqlar_wavdraw

The sqlar_wavdraw function uses the wavdraw facilities in monolith to draw a waveform from a wavfile in a sqlar file.

This assumes that btprnt and a btprnt region has been initialized prior to running this function.

To keep things consistent with the rest of the functions here, this returns TRUE (1) on sucess, FALSE (0) on error.

typedef struct btprnt_region btprnt_region;
void btprnt_wavdraw_drwav(btprnt_region *r,
                          drwav *wav,
                          int c);

int sqlar_wavdraw(sqlite3 *db,
                  const char *filename,
                  btprnt_region *r,
                  int c)
    char *buf;
    int sz;
    drwav wav;
    int rc;

    sz = 0;
    buf = NULL;
    rc = sqlar_extract_to_buffer_db(db, filename, &buf, &sz);

    if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
        if (buf != NULL) free(buf);
        fprintf(stderr, "SQLite problems\n");
        return SP_NOT_OK;

    if (!drwav_init_memory(&wav, buf, sz)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "drwav could not initialize\n");
        return SP_NOT_OK;

    btprnt_wavdraw_drwav(r, &wav, c);

    return SP_OK;

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