9. Jump Cell

A jump cell is used to jump to a particular cell. This wire is multifunctional, depending on the states of the command cell.

Location is stored in the rightmost turned on bit in data. Each bit correspond to a location in the cell pool (of size 32). If no bits are turned on, the jump cell is is ignored.

If the second command byte is zero, it will behave as a goto operation and immediately go to the cell location in the data word.

If the second command byte is a non zero value, it will use the wire in the rightmost bit as a conditional. If the wire is non-zero, it will go to the location. Otherwise, it will continue on to the next cell in the VM.

The third command byte is used to change the jumping behavior.

The first alternate behavior is the N-way jump. When enabled, the jumper will randomly jump to any of the lit up bits in the data word. To accomplish this, some fancy bit twiddling black magic is summoned from Hackers Delight. First, the number of bits in the data word is counted using a divide-and-conquer algorithm found in the beginning of the "counting bits" chapter, which we will call nchoices. A random integer between 0 and nchoices - 1 is obtained, which will be called choice. This choice is then turned into a location by turning off rightmost bits up to choice, masking, then performing log2 on the bytes.

static int countbits(unsigned long x) {
    x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
    x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333);
    x = (x + (x >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F;
    x = x + (x >> 8);
    x = x + (x >> 16);

    return x & 0x0000003F;

static int jump(trig_vm *vm,
                int pos,
                uint32_t cmd,
                uint32_t data)
    int go;
    int rbit;
    int wire;
    int alt;

    if (data == 0) return (pos + 1) % 32;

    rbit = (data & -data);

    go = 0;

    while (rbit >>= 1) go++;

    wire = (cmd >> 8) & 0xFF;
    alt = (cmd >> 16) & 0xFF;

    if (alt == 1) {
        int nchoices;
        int choice;
        uint32_t word;
        int next;
        int p;
        /* Get number of on bits in data cell */

        nchoices = countbits(data);

        if (nchoices == 0) return (pos + 1) % 32;

        choice = floor(((double)rand()/RAND_MAX)*nchoices);
        word = data;

        for (p = 0; p < choice; p++) {
            /* turn off rightmost bit */
            word &= ~(word & -word);

        /* isolate remaining rightmost bit */
        word = (word & -word);
        next = 0;

        /* log2(word) to get position */
        while (word >>= 1) next++;
        return next;
    } else {
        if (wire == 0) {
            return go % 32;
        } else {
            int wp;

            rbit = wire & -wire;

            wp = 0;
            while (rbit >>= 1) wp++;

            if (trig_vm_wire_get(vm, wp) != 0) return go % 32;

    return (pos + 1) % 32;

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