5. Trig Type Flag

5.1. Typeflag Declaration

The typeflag for trig is stored as a global variable called trig_type. It initialized to be 0.

static int trig_type = 0;

5.2. Setting the trig type

trig_type = monolith_dict_newtype(monolith_dict_get(m));

5.3. Check if page is trig type

A page is checked if it is of type "trig" via the funciton is_trig.

static int is_trig(monolith_page *pg);
static int is_trig(monolith_page *pg)
    int type;
    type = monolith_page_type_get(pg);
    if(type == 0) return 0;
    return type == trig_type;

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