11. Line16 Scheme Functions

11.1. Line16 Scheme Loader

The top-level scheme loader is called s9_load_line16.

void s9_load_line16(void);
static S9_PRIM line16_primitives[] = {
void s9_load_line16(void)
    add_primitives("monolith", line16_primitives);

11.2. Create Line16 Page

A new line16 page is created with monolith:line16-new.

{"monolith:line16-new", pp_line16_new, 1, 1, {STR, ___, ___}},
static cell pp_line16_new(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_newpage(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));
    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not create line16 page (maybe it already exists?)",

    return UNSPECIFIC;

11.3. Point Value

Used to set/get the value of a particular point of a particular line.

The first three arguments to these functions are the name of the page, the selected line, and the point index. If there is a fourth argument, it is a real value (in range 0-1).

11.3.1. DONE line16-point-val-set

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 06:37]

    4, 4,
static cell pp_line16_point_val_set(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT val;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-val-set";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    val = REAL2FLOAT(car(x));

    if(val < 0 || val > 1) {
        return error("Value is out of range", car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    line16_point_val_set(l, line, pos, val);
    return S9_UNSPECIFIC;

11.3.2. DONE line16-point-val-get

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 07:17]

    3, 3,
static cell pp_line16_point_val_get(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT val;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-val-get";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",
    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    val = line16_point_val_get(l, line, pos);
    return FLOAT2REAL(val, 4);

11.4. Point Duration

Changes the duration. Argument scheme closely resembles point-val-set and point-val-get, only for duration.

A friendly reminder that duration is a normalized value, and must be scaled by the min/max ranges in order to see the unit in seconds.

11.4.1. DONE line16-point-dur-set

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 07:42]

    4, 4,
static cell pp_line16_point_dur_set(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT dur;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-dur-set";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    dur = REAL2FLOAT(car(x));

    if(dur < 0 || dur > 1) {
        return error("Duration is out of range", car(x));

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    line16_point_dur_set(l, line, pos, dur);
    return S9_UNSPECIFIC;

11.4.2. DONE line16-point-dur-get

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 07:45]

    3, 3,
static cell pp_line16_point_dur_get(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT dur;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-dur-get";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",
    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    dur = line16_point_dur_get(l, line, pos);
    return FLOAT2REAL(dur, 4);

11.5. Point Rate Set

11.5.1. DONE line16-point-rate-set

CLOSED: [2019-08-25 Sun 05:16]

    4, 4,
static cell pp_line16_point_rate_set(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT rate;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-rate-set";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    rate = REAL2FLOAT(car(x));

    if(rate < 0) {
        return error("Point rate is out of range", car(x));

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    line16_point_rate_set(l, line, pos, rate);
    return S9_UNSPECIFIC;

11.5.2. DONE line16-point-rate-get

CLOSED: [2019-08-25 Sun 06:46]

    3, 3,
static cell pp_line16_point_rate_get(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT rate;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-rate-get";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",
    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    rate = line16_point_rate_get(l, line, pos);
    return FLOAT2REAL(rate, 4);

11.6. Duration Ranges

Sets the minimum and maximum range for the line segment durations.

11.6.1. DONE line16-dur-min-set

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 09:47]

    2, 2,
    {S9_T_STRING, S9_T_REAL, S9_T_ANY}
static cell pp_line16_dur_min_set(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT mn;

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    x = cdr(x);

    mn = REAL2FLOAT(car(x));

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    line16_dur_min_set(l, mn);
    return S9_UNSPECIFIC;

11.6.2. DONE line16-dur-min-get

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 09:47]

    1, 1,
    {S9_T_STRING, S9_T_ANY, S9_T_ANY}
static cell pp_line16_min_get(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    page_line16_d *l;

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    return FLOAT2REAL(line16_dur_min_get(l), 5);

11.6.3. DONE line16-dur-max-set

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 09:53]

    2, 2,
    {S9_T_STRING, S9_T_REAL, S9_T_ANY}
static cell pp_line16_dur_max_set(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT mx;

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    x = cdr(x);

    mx = REAL2FLOAT(car(x));

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    line16_dur_max_set(l, mx);
    return S9_UNSPECIFIC;

11.6.4. DONE line16-dur-max-get

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 09:53]

    1, 1,
    {S9_T_STRING, S9_T_ANY, S9_T_ANY}
static cell pp_line16_max_get(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    page_line16_d *l;

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    return FLOAT2REAL(line16_dur_max_get(l), 5);

11.7. Point Auxiliary Values

11.7.1. line16-point-aux-set

    5, 5,
static cell pp_line16_point_aux_set(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    int aux;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT val;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-aux-set";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    aux = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(aux < 0 || aux > 1) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    val = REAL2FLOAT(car(x));

    if(val < 0 || val > 1) {
        return error("Duration is out of range", car(x));

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    line16_point_aux_set(l, line, pos, aux, val);
    return S9_UNSPECIFIC;

11.7.2. line16-point-aux-get

    4, 4,
static cell pp_line16_point_aux_get(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT val;
    int aux;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-dur-get";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    aux = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(aux < 0 || aux > 1) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    val = line16_point_aux_get(l, line, pos, aux);
    return FLOAT2REAL(val, 4);

11.8. Point Status

11.8.1. DONE line16-point-status-set

CLOSED: [2019-08-24 Sat 07:32]

    4, 4,
static cell pp_line16_point_status_set(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    int status;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-status-set";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    status = integer_value(name, car(x));

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    line16_point_status_set(l, line, pos, status);
    return S9_UNSPECIFIC;

11.8.2. DONE line16-point-status-get

CLOSED: [2019-08-24 Sat 07:32]

    3, 3,
static cell pp_line16_point_status_get(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    int status;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-status-get";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    status = line16_point_status_get(l, line, pos);
    return s9_make_integer(status);

11.9. Point Type

11.9.1. DONE line16-point-type-set

CLOSED: [2019-08-24 Sat 07:39]

    4, 4,
static cell pp_line16_point_type_set(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    int type;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-type-set";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    type = integer_value(name, car(x));

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    line16_point_type_set(l, line, pos, type);
    return S9_UNSPECIFIC;

11.9.2. DONE line16-point-type-get

CLOSED: [2019-08-24 Sat 07:40]

    3, 3,
static cell pp_line16_point_type_get(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int line;
    int pos;
    page_line16_d *l;
    int type;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-point-type-get";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    x = cdr(x);

    line = integer_value(name, car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    pos = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(pos < 0 || pos > 15) {
        return error("Position is out of range", car(x));

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    type = line16_point_type_get(l, line, pos);
    return s9_make_integer(type);

11.10. Playback Rate

This manages the global playback rate of the line.

11.10.1. DONE line16-rate-set

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 09:31]

    2, 2,
    {S9_T_STRING, S9_T_REAL, S9_T_ANY}
static cell pp_line16_rate_set(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    page_line16_d *l;
    GFFLT rate;

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    x = cdr(x);

    rate = REAL2FLOAT(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    line16_rate_set(l, rate);
    return S9_UNSPECIFIC;

11.10.2. DONE line16-rate-get

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 09:31]

    1, 1,
    {S9_T_STRING, S9_T_ANY, S9_T_ANY}
static cell pp_line16_rate_get(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    page_line16_d *l;

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    return FLOAT2REAL(line16_rate_get(l), 5);

11.11. Select a Point

Selects a point for editing on the current line.

11.11.1. DONE select point

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 11:07]

    2, 2,
static cell pp_line16_select_point(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int point;
    page_line16_d *l;
    char name[] = "monolith:line16-select-point";

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    x = cdr(x);

    point = integer_value(name, car(x));

    if(point < 0 || point > 15) {
        return error("Point out of range", car(x));

    line16_select_point(l, point);

    return S9_UNSPECIFIC;

11.11.2. DONE line16-select-point-get

CLOSED: [2019-08-18 Sun 11:17] Gets the selected point.

    1, 1,
    {S9_T_STRING, S9_T_ANY, S9_T_ANY}
static cell pp_line16_select_point_get(cell x)
    const char *str;
    monolith_d *m;
    monolith_dict *dict;
    monolith_page *pg;
    int rc;
    int point;
    page_line16_d *l;

    m = monolith_data_get();
    dict = monolith_dict_get(m);

    str = string(car(x));

    rc = monolith_dict_lookup(dict, &pg, str, strlen(str));

    if(!rc) {
        return error(
            "Could not find line16 page",

    l = monolith_page_data_get(pg);

    x = cdr(x);

    point = line16_select_point_get(l);

    return s9_make_integer(point);

prev | home | next