dtrig is a delta-time trigger, used for creating trigger signals in terms of delta times, or the amount of time between two trigger signals. Delta times are read from an f-table.
dtrig takes in the following arguments:
- trigger: this is a trigger signal that will trigger the sequence of de delta values. Can be used for restarting the sequence
- loop: turns looping the trigger values on or off 1=on, 0=off
- delay: amount of time (in seconds) to delay the triggers
- scale: value to scale the d-trig signals by. For instance, to double the time, use "2", to half it, use "0.5". "1" is normal.
- table: name of the table containing the delta values.
The following example using dtrig to control an envelope generator.
# delta times: 100ms and 500 ms
_delta "0.1 0.5" gen_vals
# dtrig. "tick" is used to start it looping
tick 1 0 1 _delta dtrig
# dtrig feeds into an envelope generator...
0.001 0.001 0.1 tenvx
# and then that is multiplied by a sine wave
1000 0.5 sine *